Definition of proxy
English to English noun - a person authorized to act for another
source: WordNet 3.0 - a power of attorney document given by shareholders of a corporation authorizing a specific vote on their behalf at a corporate meeting
source: WordNet 3.0 - The agency for another who acts through the agent; authority to act for another, esp. to vote in a legislative or corporate capacity.
source: Webster 1913 verb - To act or vote by proxy; to do anything by the agency of another.
source: Webster 1913 English to Tagalog noun - [prócsi] Ingat ng pamamaraan sa usapín; tagalakad sa ikagagaling ng usapín
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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proxy, prox, prosy, prexy, prog, preso, pursy, proke, percy, perky, prose, paros, porgy, parky, pricy, parous, prozac, proach, piraso, progue