a high-pitched woodwind instrument; a slender tube closed at one end with finger holes on one end and an opening near the closed end across which the breath is blown
source: WordNet 3.0
a tall narrow wineglass
source: WordNet 3.0
a groove or furrow in cloth etc (particularly a shallow concave groove on the shaft of a column)
source: WordNet 3.0
A musical wind instrument, consisting of a hollow cylinder or pipe, with holes along its length, stopped by the fingers or by keys which are opened by the fingers. The modern flute is closed at the upper end, and blown with the mouth at a lateral hole.
source: Webster 1913
A kind of flyboat; a storeship.
source: Webster 1913
form flutes in
source: WordNet 3.0
To play on, or as on, a flute; to make a flutelike sound.
source: Webster 1913
To play, whistle, or sing with a clear, soft note, like that of a flute.