Definition of ab
English to English noun - a bachelor's degree in arts and sciences
source: WordNet 3.0 - the eleventh month of the civil year; the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar (in July and August)
source: WordNet 3.0 - the muscles of the abdomen
source: WordNet 3.0 - the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
source: WordNet 3.0 - The fifth month of the Jewish year according to the ecclesiastical reckoning, the eleventh by the civil computation, coinciding nearly with August.
source: Webster 1913
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ab, abb, abo, aba, aby, aba!, abye, abba, ahab, aube, abay, abbe, abib, abaya, abbey, av, apa, afp, ave, apo