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doc Definition of affair
    English to English
  • a vaguely specified concern
  • Several matters to attend to.
    It is none of your affair.
    Things are going well.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • a usually secretive or illicit sexual relationship
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • a vaguely specified social event
  • The party was quite an affair.
    An occasion arranged to honor the president.
    A seemingly endless round of social functions.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • That which is done or is to be done; matter; concern; as, a difficult affair to manage; business of any kind, commercial, professional, or public; -- often in the plural. "At the head of affairs." Junius.
  • source: Webster 1913
    English to Tagalog
  • [afér] Bagay; pakay; sadyâ; layon; usap
  • source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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