Definition of wedding
English to English noun - the social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed
source: WordNet 3.0 - the act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony
Their marriage was conducted in the chapel.
source: WordNet 3.0 - a party of people at a wedding
source: WordNet 3.0 - Nuptial ceremony; nuptial festivities; marriage; nuptials.
source: Webster 1913 English to Tagalog noun - [wéding] Kasál; pag-aasawa
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
Visual Synonyms
Nearby Word
wedding, wadding, wading, wedding cake, wetting, widening, whitewing, whitening, witing, witting, whiting, waiting, wednesday, woodiness, wetness, witness, whitney young, wideness, woodness, whiteness