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doc Definition of prod
    English to English
  • a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
  • The ceaseless prodding got on his nerves.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • A pointed instrument for pricking or puncturing, as a goad, an awl, a skewer, etc.
  • source: Webster 1913
  • to push against gently
  • She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • urge on; cause to act
  • The other children egged the boy on, but he did not want to throw the stone through the window.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • poke or thrust abruptly
  • He jabbed his finger into her ribs.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • To thrust some pointed instrument into; to prick with something sharp; as, to prod a soldier with a bayonet; to prod oxen; hence, to goad, to incite, to worry; as, to prod a student.
  • source: Webster 1913
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