English to English
- Of or pertaining to some person exclusively; assigned to private uses; not public; private; as, the privy purse.
source: Webster 1913
- a room or building equipped with one or more toilets
source: WordNet 3.0
- a small outbuilding with a bench having holes through which a user can defecate
source: WordNet 3.0
- A partaker; a person having an interest in any action or thing; one who has an interest in an estate created by another; a person having an interest derived from a contract or conveyance to which he is not himself a party. The term, in its proper sense, is distinguished from party.
source: Webster 1913
adjective satellite
- hidden from general view or use
A privy place to rest and think.
A secluded romantic spot.
A secret garden.
source: WordNet 3.0
- (followed by `to') informed about something secret or not generally known
Privy to the details of the conspiracy.
source: WordNet 3.0
English to Tagalog
- [prívi] Lihim; lingíd
source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog