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doc Definition of phrase
    English to English
  • an expression consisting of one or more words forming a grammatical constituent of a sentence
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • a short musical passage
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • an expression whose meanings cannot be inferred from the meanings of the words that make it up
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • dance movements that are linked in a single choreographic sequence
  • source: WordNet 3.0
  • A brief expression, sometimes a single word, but usually two or more words forming an expression by themselves, or being a portion of a sentence; as, an adverbial phrase.
  • source: Webster 1913
  • put into words or an expression
  • He formulated his concerns to the board of trustees.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • divide, combine, or mark into phrases
  • Phrase a musical passage.
    source: WordNet 3.0
  • To express in words, or in peculiar words; to call; to style.
  • source: Webster 1913
  • To use proper or fine phrases.
  • source: Webster 1913
    English to Tagalog
  • [frez] Pananalitâ; pananalaysay
  • source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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