Definition of niggle
English to English verb - worry unnecessarily or excessively
Don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now.
source: WordNet 3.0 - argue over petty things
Let's not quibble over pennies.
source: WordNet 3.0 - To trifle with; to deceive; to mock.
source: Webster 1913 - To trifle or play.
source: Webster 1913 - To use, spend, or do in a petty or trifling manner.
source: Webster 1913 - To move about restlessly or without result; to fidget.
source: Webster 1913
Visual Synonyms 
Nearby Word
niggle, ningal, nighly, nickle, nagugol, nigella, nahihinggil, nei monggol, nikel, nosle, nozle, ngilo, nasale, nozzle, nuzzle, nicely, nucule, nickel, nakágigiliw, nauclea