Definition of liko
Tagalog to English Active Verb: lumiko
English Definition: (verb) to turn; to curve; to bend
Lumiko tayo sa kanto papuntang simbahan. (Let us turn at the corner to go to the church.)
source: Large Tagalog Dictionary Active Verb: magliko
Passive Verb: iliko
English Definition: (verb) to turn something
1) Magliko ka ng iyong kotse sa kanto. (You turn around your car at the corner.) 2) Iliko mo ang kotse sa kanto. (Turn the car at the corner.)
source: Large Tagalog Dictionary adv - wrongful [róngful]
Likô; lisyâ; masamâ source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog noun - angle [ángl]
Sulok; likô; kantó; bingwít source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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