depinisyon kahulugan
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doc Definition of lahok
    Tagalog to English
  • Active Verb: maglahok

    English Definition: (noun) an ingredient(verb) to add to a mixture

  • Maglahok ka ng bawang sa gulay. (You add some garlic to the vegetable mix.)
    source: Large Tagalog Dictionary
  • Active Verb: lumahok

    English Definition: (noun) an entry in a contest(verb) to be a contestant, to butt in

  • Lumahok ka naman sa usapan. (You butt in the conversation.)
    source: Large Tagalog Dictionary
  • mixture [mícschur]
  • Halò; lahok; bantô
    source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
  • mash [mash]
  • Masa; halò; lahok
    source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
  • alloy [alói]
  • Lahók; haló
    source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
  • admixture [admíkschur]
  • Halò; lahók
    source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
  • composition [compozícion]
  • Kathâ; akdâ; ulat; lahok; halò
    source: Diccionario Ingles-Español-Tagalog
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