Definition of jaunt
English to English noun - a journey taken for pleasure
Many summer excursions to the shore. It was merely a pleasure trip. After cautious sashays into the field.
source: WordNet 3.0 - A wearisome journey.
source: Webster 1913 verb - make a trip for pleasure
source: WordNet 3.0 - To ramble here and there; to stroll; to make an excursion.
source: Webster 1913 - To jolt; to jounce.
source: Webster 1913 English to Tagalog noun - [dchant] Pagliliwaliw; pasyal
source: Diccionario Ingles-Espaņol-Tagalog
Visual Synonyms
Nearby Word
jaunt, jaunty, jant, junto, junta, janty, jantu, junti, jacent, jument, jessant, jaconet, jacinth, joinant, jacqueminot, jugement, jacconet, jejunity, joint, jagganath